Pioneer Psychological Associates, LLC
Daniel J. Wachtel, Psy.D.
Specialties: (Atlanta Mental Health Geriatric)
Most people have difficulty falling, or staying asleep, at some point in their life, but when these problems become the majority of nights for long periods of time, it warrents professional attention. Clinical psychologists with advanced training in sleep disorders can be helpful with both the assessment and treatment of sleep problems.
Please click on this link to learn more about sleep problems and Insomnia
Please click on this link to listen to an interview of me talking about insomnia, sleep, and the treatment of insomnia.
Click the play arrow (>) to hear the interview
A geropsychologist is a clinical psychologist specializing in working with older adults, or within the area of geriatrics. I have both extensive education and training in working with older adults and a variety of topics of concern that can be experienced during this stage in life. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, anxiety and depression, chronic illness, death and dying, and Alzheimer's disease/dementia. Please click on this link to learn more about the role of a geropsychologist.
A caregiver is a person who is taking care of an adult who needs assistance with some, many, or all of their activities of daily living. A caregiver is often a family member but can be a friend or peer. Caregiving is a very challenging and sometimes stressful responsibility that can often be overwhelming. I specialize in working with caregivers and assisting them with a variety of challenges and obstacles often faced when caring for someone. Please click on this link to learn more about caregivers and how I might be of help.